Welcome to Our Club
The next monthly club meeting will be:
Wednesday February 12, 2025
Club meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Zoom options for attendance are available (check your email).
We’ll be back to normal for Saturday.
Really sorry for the short notice, here’s what’s going on: The Board has been in negotiations for approximately a week with contractors to get the berm for the pistol range built back up and have it meet the concrete walls so that we can get back to the old days i.e. the pistol range will no longer need to be under cease-fire for you to go down range on the main range. The project was proposed as an emergency repair to the pistol range and we were hoping to get it done as soon as possible. The contractor called this morning and asked if it was possible for him to do the job this Thursday and Friday as he is concerned about the extremely cold weather forecast for next week. We have to close the whole range as there will be trucks delivering material throughout the day and an excavator down range as well but the contractor is 100% confident that the job will be done by the end of the day Friday and we’ll have a nice, new, higher berm for everyone’s enjoyment on Saturday. The pistol range needs to be closed today to do a little bit of prep work for the contractor to start tomorrow.
Appreciate everyone’s understanding and sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Dunham’s Bay Fish & Game Club, Inc • [email protected] • 518-680-7512
Recent By-law Vote
The Board and Officers would like to thank everyone for participating in the recent proposal on amending the By-laws. As you can see from the attached screenshot, the proposal passed with 200 Yes votes and 10 No votes. The Board will be meeting soon to appoint our new president and as soon as that happens, we’ll send out another email to update everyone.
Membership Update
For those of you who have paid your 2025 membership dues with a check but have still received emails saying your membership is about to expire, we are still working to manually update the Join-It records to match those payments. If you have any questions about that, please email or call the contact information at the bottom of this email.
All firearms ranges are CLOSED on THURSDAYS from this point forward as a maintenance day.
Didn’t see a renewal email? Look in your clutter or spam filter. Or wait and another one will come out before Christmas. Let’s keep it going smoothly.
Snow plowing – just a friendly reminder that plowing does not occur until the end of the snowstorm. So take that into consideration as we move into winter.
Interested in being member? First-year membership is $175 ($150 after). Any new member who signs up for the remainder of 2024 will have their 2025 membership included. Click here to join.
Third Wednesday of the month: 7pm, please email: Dennis Dempsey: [email protected]
Reminder: Main Range Rules For the
2) No drawing and firing from a holster on the main range.
3) When guns are not in use, they must be placed in racks next to the benches or in a case on the shelves.
4) While the range is IN USE/ HOT, no one can be in front of shooting benches/front knee wall.
6) Confirm that all guns are in a safe condition. Rifles must be placed in racks provided, pistols on bench with action open with chamber flag or holstered.
7) Call out the “range is safe”
8) Turn on the red switch, activating the flashing light and alarm.
9) Everyone must step back from the bench during a ceasefire. Do not handle any firearms on the firing line during a ceasefire (NO ONE IS TO TOUCH ANYTHING ON THE BENCH WHILE CEASEFIRE IS IN AFFECT, INDICATED BY FLASHING LIGHT AND ALARM).
10) When proceeding down range (to place or check targets, collect brass beyond the knee wall, setting up chronographs) place a safety cone on the bench before proceeding down range. Place it on the bench in such a manner to be readily visible.
11) When returning from down range, place the down-range safety cone in its original position
13) Call out; “is the line ready, ready on the right, ready on the left.”
14) When all shooters are ready, call out “commence firing.”
Club Notes
Binary explosives such as tannerite is not allowed at the club.
Indoor Facilities: The club’s indoor facilities, including bathrooms and the archery range are now open to members. Beverages are available for a $1 donation, please honor this.
Guest Policy: Guests are welcome at the club on a one-time only basis. Please be sure to fill out the proper guest form available inside the club and encourage your guest to become a member.
Engaging and interesting articles as well as news about club events
are posted regularly to our Facebook page.