Welcome to our Club!

Welcome to Our Club

The next monthly club meeting will be:
WEDNESDAY Nov. 13, 2024

Club meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Zoom options for attendance are available (check your email).

 All firearms ranges are CLOSED on THURSDAYS from this point forward as a maintenance day.

Interested in being member? First-year membership is $175 ($150 after). Any new member who signs up for the remainder of 2024 will have their 2025 membership included. Click  here to join.

Current members: Make note that renewals will commence later this fall.

2024-25 Orientation Schedule for New Members: All members must participate in orientation before using the new range. 
Second Saturday each month: 8:30 am, please email: Scott Rager:  [email protected]
Third Wednesday of the month: 7pm, please email: Dennis Dempsey: [email protected]

Reminder: Main Range Rules For the
New Range Opening April 1 (no foollin’)

1) No one may cross over the knee wall at any time. Use the doors to access down range.
2) No drawing and firing from a holster on the main range.
3) When guns are not in use, they must be placed in racks next to the benches or in a case on the shelves.
4) While the range is IN USE/ HOT, no one can be in front of shooting benches/front knee wall.
Cease Fire Procedure
5) Before calling a cease fire, check with other shooters both on the main range and the pistol range.
6) Confirm that all guns are in a safe condition. Rifles must be placed in racks provided, pistols on bench with action open with chamber flag or holstered.
7) Call out the “range is safe”
8) Turn on the red switch, activating the flashing light and alarm.
9) Everyone must step back from the bench during a ceasefire. Do not handle any firearms on the firing line during a ceasefire (NO ONE IS TO TOUCH ANYTHING ON THE BENCH WHILE CEASEFIRE IS IN AFFECT, INDICATED BY FLASHING LIGHT AND ALARM).
10) When proceeding down range (to place or check targets, collect brass beyond the knee wall, setting up chronographs) place a safety cone on the bench before proceeding down range. Place it on the bench in such a manner to be readily visible.
11) When returning from down range, place the down-range safety cone in its original position
Commence Fire Procedure
12) Confirm all shooters are back from down range, including the pistol range.
13) Call out; “is the line ready, ready on the right, ready on the left.”
14) When all shooters are ready, call out “commence firing.”
Complete club range rules and information can be found here:

Indoor Smokeless Range Committee Help Wanted
The Club is in need of someone to assist with maintaining the indoor smokeless range. We need someone who is computer savvy and willing to help keep the software up to date. Please reach out to Steve Zypulski – [email protected]t if you are interested.


Binary explosives such as tannerite is not allowed at the club.

Indoor Facilities: The club’s indoor facilities, including bathrooms and the archery range are now open to members. Beverages are available for a $1 donation, please honor this.

Guest Policy: Guests are welcome at the club on a one-time only basis. Please be sure to fill out the proper guest form available inside the club and encourage your guest to become a member.

Engaging and interesting articles as well as news about club events
are posted regularly to our  Facebook page. 

More Upcoming Events

Be sure to check the Events calendar for future events and meetings


Firearms Training Classes

Classes are being offered by Bill Cole and other NRA instructors at our club. A complete list can be found on the events calendar. 

Contact: Bill Cole, NRA Training Counselor and Chief Range Safety Officer
772-341-9508 • [email protected]

Contact Paul Parks @  [email protected] with any questions

 Click here for zombie attack flier


Fall Match: Oct. 13 (Sundays)

Registration Starts at 9:00am, Safety Briefing at 9:30am




What to expect?

Four or five stages with ranges from 5 to 190 yards.

Engage static and dynamic targets from multiple positions

Obstacles and props to both help and hinder you on each stage

This is an outdoor event in April, expect the ground to be wet, there will be stages that require kneeling and prone positions.

What equipment do you need?

Recommended equipment is a center-fire rifle and center-fire handgun. Rimfire is allowed but certain targets may not fall with rimfire cartridges. Rules will be posted to the Dunhams Bay Fish and Game Club Inc. website and are available by emailing the address above.

Those wishing to shoot handgun MUST have a strong side, OWB holster with sufficient retention to hold the pistol while moving

Those with only a rifle or only a handgun can still come shoot! Everyone is encouraged to come shoot as much or as little of the match as you are comfortable with.

Ammunition: You’ll want to have at least 50 rounds for your rifle and 100 for your pistol. All stages can be completed with less than that, assuming you never miss, so more is better!

Magazines: You’ll want as many magazines as you can carry because you WILL be reloading on the clock so bring all the mags, stripper clips, chargers, or en-bloc clips you can!

Who can sign up?

ANYONE! Ok, not quite anyone. You must be 18 years or older OR 12-17 may compete with the permission and direct supervision of their parent or guardian.

All the stages are designed so that anyone who knows the basics of safe gun handling and basic marksmanship can complete every course. Some will be harder than others, but everyone should be able to get through it!