Emergency Info

Emergency Procedures Guidelines

  • Priority attention: stabilize the situation and care for the injured.  
  • Call 911 for County Dispatch 518-743-2500.
  • A responsible adult Instructor remain at the scene.  
  • Make NO statements to anyone other than police/emergency personnel or Dunham’s Bay Fish & Game officers or Board of Directors (see inside the building to the left of the phone for a list of current officers and board members).  
  • Appropriate person (law enforcement, EMS, or Officer/Board) must immediately contact spouse/partner, or next of kin to the injured and inform them of the situation.  
  • Immediately complete the accident/incident form below and submit to the DBFG officer or Board member. Or leave inside and call as many officers or Board members as possible on the file cabinet on the archery range. 
  • Record facts only

Emergency Contact Information:  

First Contact: President John Bowe 518-817-2551 text preferred. Vice President Scott Rager 518-798-3143.

NYS Police in Warren County: 518-583-7000 Troop G Queensbury 

Warren County Sherrif’s Department: 518- 743-2500  

NYS Dep’t of Environmental Police: 1-877-457-5680 (M-F 9-5), 1-518-897-1326.  

Emergencies during DEC Sportsman or Bowhunter Education: 1-518-897-1326.  

1. Injured Person Information 

Member ____ or Guest ____(check appropriate) 

Name: Age 

Address City, State, Zip __

Parent/Guardian’s Name Phone (if the victim is under 18 and should be with the parent) 

2. The Accident (this is very important for reviewing film footage to determine what happened)

Date: Time: 

Describe the accident (self-inflicted, 2-person incident, multiple party incident, pistol range, rifle range 25 yd, steel pistol range, archery, inside archery)

Nature of injuries (for example, left hand pistol injury to thumb and first finger, or self-inflicted to right foot through boot):  


3. Treatment (emergency steps taken at scene in order of occurrence or treatment): 

A. _____________________________________________________________________

B. _____________________________________________________________________

C. _____________________________________________________________________ 

D. _____________________________________________________________________

E. _____________________________________________________________________ 


Witness Information: Names, addresses, phone numbers of all witnesses 






If more space is need please writer below or attach additional sheet(s). 


Signature of injured person: _____________________________________________ Date: 

Name of person filing report: ____________________________________________ Phone: 

Address: ___________________________________________________________ 

Signature: _____________________________ Date: __________________